Read New Species of Frogs (Leptodactylidae: Ellutherodactylus): From the Amazon Lowlands of Ecuador, July 19, 1974 (Classic Reprint) - John D. Lynch file in ePub
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2163 3521 3889 3863 2717 1879 4909 1277 1644 4229 2085 623 2179 2518 4345 3025 3180 1923 358 1915 89 1160 3977 2606 3145 4622 2996 1458 807 4590 3056 3177 4465 1367
More than 300 species, most of them west indian or central american, are of the genus eleutherodactylus, or robber frogs. The young of this genus hatch as small frogs, rather than as tadpoles. Planirostis), a small brown frog commonly found in gardens, is a cuban frog introduced into the southern united states.
A new species of eleutherodactylus is described from the lowlands of northwestern ecuador. The new species is a small frog (snout–vent length 23 mm) characterized by: expanded and spadate disc cover on some fingers (usually iii and iv) and most toes (usually iii–v); bifid palmar tubercle; and brown dorsum with dark brown w-shaped scapular mark.
Add tags for new species of frogs (leptodactylidae, eleutherodactylus) from the pacific versant of ecuador.
Oct 29, 2014 if you wanted to find a new species of frog, the rainforest seems like a better place to look than the urban jungle.
The gastric-brooding frogs or platypus frogs (rheobatrachus) is a genus of extinct ground-dwelling frogs native to queensland in eastern australia. The genus consisted of only two species, both of which became extinct in the mid-1980s.
A new genus and two new species of minute leptodactylid frogs from northern south with comments upon phyzelaphryne (amphibia: anura: leptodactylidae).
A new species of frog of the eleutherodactylus lacrimosus assemblage (leptodactylidae) from the western amazon basin, with comments on the utility of canopy surveys in lowland rainforest.
A new cryptic species of salamander, genus oedipina (caudata: three new species of frogs (leptodactylidae, eleutherodactylus) from hispaniola.
(2003) new species of frogs (eleutherodactylus: leptodactylidae) from the cordillera oriental of norte de santander and santander, colombia. Revista de la academia colombiana de ciencias exactas fisicas y naturales, 27(104): 449--460.
Systematics and biogeography of eastern caribbean frogs (leptodactylidae: eleutherodactylus ), with the description of a new species from dominica.
As ongoing research reveals new species form- further distinguish these frogs. This study represents one step toward helping resolve some of the taxonomic issues genus adenomera (amphibia: anura: leptodactylidae).
2 new species of the frog genus hylodes from caparao minas gerais brazil amphibia leptodactylidae.
They typically have tadpoles which may be aquatic or nonfeeding endotrophic larvae. Leptodactylus are known to create foam-nests made from cloacal secretions; their placement (surface of water, in treeholes, in foliage above streams, etc) are species-specific and vary widely.
New species of frogs (leptodactylidae: eleutherodactylus) from the amazonian lowlands of ecuador.
A new species of frog of the eleutherodactylus lacrimosus assembly from amazonia, south america (amphibia: anura: leptodactylidae) by heyer, w ronald.
Nov 25, 2020 pdf we describe a new species of physalaemus from central brazil. It is characterized by leptodactylidae): a new frog species from espı.
Johnstone's whistling frog, eleutherodactylus johnstonei, is a highly successful (anura: leptodactylidae) with the description of a new species from dominica.
A new species of eleutherodactylus (anura: leptodactylidae) from the andean slopes of bolivia steffen reichle, jörn köhler zoologisches forschungsinstitut und museum alexander koenig (zfmk), adenauerallee 160, d-53113 bonn, germany abstract. A new species of frog of the genus eleutherodactylus is described from valle del zongo, departa- mento la paz, bolivia.
Lechriodus is one of three genera of the leptodactylidae present in new guinea. With three species endemic in new guinea and one in australia, lechriodus is the only leptodactylid genus predominantly papuan in distribution and diversity.
Leptodactylidae, family of frogs (order anura), including more than 900 species, most of which are found in south and central america. More than 300 species, most of them west indian or central american, are of the genus eleutherodactylus, or robber frogs.
A new species of frog, alsodes hugoi, from the temperate nothofagus forest of central chile, is described. Up to now, no sympatric occurrence of other congeneric species is known from the type locality. Karyotypically, this new species is included in the monticola group, whose species have 26 chromosomes resumen.
3 dilated pads, dorsal surface of pad 'eakly bilobate; pads of outer fingers much larger than those of inner fingers; (8) fingers lacking.
Dec 23, 2020 23 december 2020 a new forest-dwelling frog species of the genus adenomera (leptodactylidae) from northwestern brazilian amazonia.
It includes forest floor species, burrowing species and aboreal species. Several genera lay eggs in foam nests on the forest floor within which tadpoles develop,.
With more than 1,100 species of leptodactylid frogs, this is a huge family that has many different-looking species.
A new species of frog from the meseta de cabo cruz, eastern cuba.
Two new frogs of the genus eleutherodact!/lus from eastern ecua- dor (amphibia: leptodactylidae).
Two new species of frogs of the eleutherodactylus alfredi group are described from subtropical and montane wet forests of the montañas del mico and the sierra de caral of the caribbean slopes of guatemala. They differ from other guatemalan species in the group by having the fifth toe pad wider than the second, few melanophores on the abdominal area of the venter, and dorsal and ventral ground.
A new species of eleutherodac-tylus (anura: leptodactylidae) from the northwestern lowlands of ecuador. A herpetological survey of the high andes of northern ecuador.
Diploid number ranges from 18 to 36, and some species are polyploid. Ceratophryinae (the wide-mouthed toads) is a small group of large-headed, aggressive, carnivorous frogs. The horned frog, ceratophrys calcarata, has been observed undulating its toes behind its head to lure prey to its mouth.
Dec 8, 2016 all but one species completes its life cycle in a bromeliad plant.
We describe a new species of the south american frog genus adenomera, based on external morphology, color patterns, advertisement call, and mtdna sequences. The new species was collected from the japurá river basin in northwestern brazilian amazonia and is distinguished from all congeners by the combination of large snout–vent length (svl), toe tips unexpanded, presence of antebrachial.
Sep 1, 2020 two species of giant frog in the genus mantidactylus from madagascar have attracted researchers' attention for their very large size, reaching.
Two new species of frogs (eleutherodactylus: leptodactylidae) from the paramos of northern ecuador. New species of eleutherodactylus of colombia (amphibia: leptodactylidae). I: five new species from the paramos of the cordillera central.
The biodiversity heritage library works collaboratively to make biodiversity literature openly available to the world as part of a global biodiversity community.
Sep 23, 2020 scientists have discovered a new species of rare frog that is rapidly disappearing at the same time, they've also discovered hope.
Leptodactylus caatingae, a new species of frog from eastern brazil (amphibia: anura: leptodactylidae).
A new species of leptodactylus frog (anura: leptodactylidae) from the south american gran chaco, morphologically similar and previously confused with the widespread leptodactylus mystacinus, is described through the use of multiple sources of evidence (molecular, external morphology, coloration, osteology, bioacoustics, and behavior).
Aug 4, 2020 of neotropical foam-nesting frogs of the adenomera heyeri clade ( leptodactylidae), with the description of six new amazonian species.
The frogs of the genus eleutherodactylus (leptodactylidae) at the la planada reserve in southwestern colom-bia with descriptions of eight new species. The eleutherodactylus of the amazonian slopes of the ecuadorian andes (anura: leptodactylidae).
Two new species of frogs (leptodactylidae: eleutherodactylus) from the high andes of northern ecuador juan guayasamin diagnosis. -eleutherodactylus huicundo, as other species in the eleutherodactylus (eleutherodactylus) orcesi group, has an anteriorly exposed frontoparietal fontanelle.
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