In the debut mystery of Dorothy L. Sayers a hobbyist investigator, Lord Peter Wimsey, is on the case of an untimely appearance of a naked body in a bathtub. In this case Lord Peter will untangle and reveal the puzzling details surrounding this shocking mystery.
Download Whose Body?: The Singular Adventure of the Man with the Golden Pince-Nez - Dorothy L. Sayers | PDF
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This book remains highly collectible, as the first work of an important author and of an important series in the amateur detective genre.
Holmes made a singular impact upon the popular imagination and has been the most who is sherlock holmes's nemesis? promotional poster for the adventures of sherlock holmes (1939), starring basil rathbone and nigel bruce.
Sayers initially referred to her manuscript as “lord peter,” and its first working title was “'the singular adventure of the man with the golden pince-.
Vitamins and minerals are part of a group of essential nutrients called micronutrients.
The singular adventure of the man with the golden pince-nez: a lord peter wimsey mystery (unabridged).
The book argues in favour of the confiscation of body parts and personal services as well as the commercialization of organs, sex, whose body is it anyway.
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