Preventing terrorists from smuggling nuclear or radiological materials to carry out an attack in the United States is a top national priority. Terrorists could use these materials to make an improvised nuclear device that could cause hundreds of thousands of deaths and devastate buildings and other infrastructure. DHS's fleet of almost 1,400 RPMs helps secure the nation's
Read Radiation Portal Monitors: Dhs's Fleet Is Lasting Longer Than Expected, and Future Acquisitions Focus on Operational Efficiencies - U.S. Government Accountability Office | ePub
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Radiation portal monitors are highly sensitive fixed installation systems designed to automatically detect illicit trafficking of radioactive materials.
The department of homeland security (dhs) is responsible for addressing the threat of nuclear smuggling.
Monitors ( rpms) used at borders, difficult to quantify rpm fleet health from maintenance.
Large-area plastic scintillator gamma-ray detectors and poly- moderated 3he neutron detectors.
Jul 22, 2005 current radiation portal monitors are unable to distinguish, for example, between a dirty bomb emitting radiation and naturally occurring radiation.
What it will do: security systems, smoke alarms, and carbon monoxide monitors, among other potentially life-saving electronic systems, have in the past been exempted from power efficiency.
Detectors (sword) illustrates a detected radiation dispersal device inside a vehicle crossing the san ysidro, california port of entry's radiation portal monitor.
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