Download Dandelion Slap: The most beautiful story every published (Gaia's Wasp Book 2) - Dr. Insensitive Jerk | PDF Online

Full Download Dandelion Slap: The most beautiful story every published (Gaia's Wasp Book 2) - Dr. Insensitive Jerk | ePub

In the sequel to Gaia's Wasp, Tom, Frank and Sophie meet aliens. Meanwhile, Wyrm civilization clashes with Earth, the Wyrm's origin is revealed, and the nuclear attack order draws closer. The first feelustrated novel, Gaia's Wasp, so far exceeded the production values of previous novels that it must be considered a new genre. The sequel, Dandelion Slap continues this

Title : Dandelion Slap: The most beautiful story every published (Gaia's Wasp Book 2)
Author : Dr. Insensitive Jerk
Language : en
Rating :
4.90 out of 5 stars
Type : PDF, ePub, Kindle
Uploaded : Apr 11, 2021

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