Read Wakefield 1,2,3: A Case of Murder, Rape And Blackmail - David White file in ePub Online

Read Wakefield 1,2,3: A Case of Murder, Rape And Blackmail - David White file in ePub

Marty Wakefield has just come home after five years in prison. He was charged with raping a teen aged girl. It was her word against his, but to avoid the risk of a much longer sentence if convicted he took a plea bargain. As it turned out the girl's father had been sexually abusing her since age five and he saw the chance to focus the blame on Marty. While in prison

Title : Wakefield 1,2,3: A Case of Murder, Rape And Blackmail
Author : David White
Language : en
Rating :
4.90 out of 5 stars
Type : PDF, ePub, Kindle
Uploaded : Apr 11, 2021

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